Urban Chickens and the City of Flagstaff

Note: The term “chicken” includes hens and roosters, but I use the term chicken in place of hen in this blog.

I’ve got good news and bad news for urban chicken enthusiasts in Flagstaff.  The good news is the Zoning Code will no longer restrict keeping chickens if the new Zoning Code passes next Tuesday.  The bad news, the restrictions in the City Code are still pretty stiff and need to be brought up to date.

How outdated is Flagstaff’s City Code?  Let’s just say that it’s illegal to “maintain guinea pigs”.  Yep…According to City Code 6-03-001-0001 they are “declared to be a nuisance, injurious to health, a source of filth and cause of sickness” along with swine, cattle, mules, burrow, sheep, goats, poultry, fowl, rabbits and horses. So much for the kids’ pet guinea pig for Christmas.

Luckily there are some exceptions to the City Code, including one  for female poultry.  You may have up to 25 female poultry as long as they are 50 feet or further from any residence building.  Still not flexible enough for those of us with average sized lots wanting to raise chickens for fresh eggs.

So, I guess that means we’ll have to move out to Doney Park on a couple acres so we can raise chickens, or we can take a stand and get City Council to change the City Code!  I have started gathering various city ordinances that are much more chicken friendly.  Some allow a certain number of chickens on any size lot, others give a more reasonable 5 or 10 feet from any residence, all prohibit roosters, which is completely understandable.  You don’t need a rooster to get eggs and female chickens (hens) are no more noisy than the birds that fly around your back yard naturally.  I can place a bird feeder in my yard and attract dozens of birds at a time, but can’t own a single chicken.

Another common misconception is that chickens smell bad.  Unless you leave the coop uncleaned for a long period of time, they won’t smell badly.  And to make sure that chicken owners are not violating their neighbors rights the Council could add a paragraph in the code similar to this one found in code 6-02-001-0011 “…keeping dog pens or dog runs clean and sanitary, generally free of fecal and other matter than may attract flies, rodents, or cause an offensive odor that may disturb the comfort of any person.”  If someone won’t clean their coop, they would likely have to face fines and/or get rid of their chickens.

Not only are eggs a great source of food for the urban chicken farmer, but think of the greater impact.  If I have 3 hens that lay enough eggs for my family all year, I no longer have to purchase unhealthy eggs full of pesticides and hormones that come from over populated “egg factories”.   I can re-use egg cartons so less Styrofoam is going into the landfill.   My chickens would provide a natural fertilizer for my garden, saving me money and allowing my family to be more self-sufficient.  Chickens would also eat insects that are pests in my garden (no more grasshoppers!).  In addition to all these benefits, chickens make great pets.

In the coming months I’ll be working hard to convince Flagstaff City Council to change the City Code to be more chicken friendly (and maybe I’ll address the illegal guinea pigs while I’m at it).  If you’d like to help or give your input it would be greatly appreciated!

Cindy Dorfsmith


  1. I seriously doubt Corporate America wants us to be more self-sufficient! I’m glad I live outside City Limits. No idea what the County thinks and really don’t care! I love my chickens. But “no more noisy than the birds”? You don’t know MY chickens! LOL. Thanks for sharing this and keep up the great work!

  2. I live in Baderville and have three chickens for the health reasons you spoke of. Their eggs are a good, clean source of protien.

    You have my support.

  3. Have posted this on my Facebook – hope this will inspire others to action in the same direction!

    Merrie Heath

  4. When I lived in Chicago proper, the code was that you could have as many hens as you wanted… a normal lot was 25′ x 150′. i did get some grief from my neighbors when they saw me building a compost bin, later they were all impressed with the lack of smell and rodents and they loved all the extra veggies. I met some people from Manhattan, they had a few chickens on the roof of their highrise apt. building.

    I live in Page, AZ and I’m not allowed a single chicken.

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing what happens in your quest.

  5. It’s unbelievable how the world has changed. The restrictions for chickens seem to be much more lenient in major cities than in more rural areas. I’ll post updates to my ventures as they occur. Thanks for your comments!

  6. I love chickens so much and there soooo cute! I have 15 chickens at my house in Connecticut. 11 hens and 4 roosters. 5 Rhode Island Reds, 4 White Plymouth Rocks, 3 Barred Rocks, 2 Amercaunas, and 1 Bantam.

    1. I decided to wait to present an ordinance because the upcoming City Council election there is a chance that the council will shift in favor or such an ordinance. I will post updates as they occur. Thanks!! Have a beautiful day!

  7. The most recent thing I remember hearing is that they wanted to start working on an “Animal Maintenance Ordinance” after they get done with the proposed “Property Maintenance Ordinance.”
    They said at that time they will ask for a public review committee and I know a few people that would like to be a part of that group.
    Many tried to get on the PMO review group and were refused. Yet Council and Staff say they did not see much interest. Sadly they stonewalled those with diverse views.

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